Homer Glen Senior Care and Assisted Living
There are 36 Assisted Living Facilities near Homer Glen
Did you know that there are 36 Assisted Living Facilities in the Homer Glen area? Two are in Homer Glen and 34 are nearby.
Some Facts About Assisted Living
The average cost of assisted living in Homer Glen is $5,000 per month. This is quite a bit higher than the national median of $3,395. Cheaper towns nearby include Orland Park with an average starting cost of $3,465.
I recommend that you browse the reviews before choosing an assisted living facility in Homer Glen. On average, consumers rate assisted living in Homer Glen 4.4 out of 5 stars. Higher rated areas include Mokena, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Caring.com has helped thousands of families find high-quality senior care. To speak with a Family Advisors about assisted living options and costs in Homer Glen, call (855) 863-8283.